That's pretty special. Enjoy your times together.
I tried that when our son was that age. I was working on the VS and needed someone to buck the rivets. I decided that it was likely easier to teach him to use the gun than to buck and gauge.
After practicing on junk, I was confident that he'd do OK. First rivet -- good. Second rivet -- good. Third rivet -- BBBBBRRRRRRRR! The gun apparently got a little sideways and just banged its way across the skin, leaving a trail of little half-moon dents in the skin. 
I ordered a new VS skin, drilled out all of the rivets and waited for the new skin to arrive.
Fast forward a decade. I was installing the Safe-Air static vents in the aft fuse. I needed a skinny body to crawl back there and buck. He "volunteered," although a bit wary after his last riveting experience. I hadn't used a rivet gun in years, and was a little rusty myself. As he held the bucking bar in place, and said, "GO," I pressed the trigger. The rivet gun made a very loud noise when it went off, denting the skin. Seems I had forgotten to check the pressure on the gun and it was set really high. Oops.
Needless to say, he felt pretty happy about the whole thing. 
Here's hoping that you and your new bucking buddy have hours of really special time and make memories that will last a lifetime!
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