Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Got a few things done today to the garage and the new seat. | Blue ...

Went out and picked up a rivet gun this afternoon. Then hung some stuff up on the walls to make more room on the counter space.

Used some 1 1/2″ pvc to make a hanger for the Vinyl to get it up and away from debris.

Carved out the bottom layer of foam.

A few test fits.

More carving and drilled the holes for the rivets. Next time I drill the holes before gluing on any foam. Wound up tearing it out in a couple of holes. No big deal. I just carved down the foam closer to the pan around the edges. Then applied a second layer of foam with spray on adhesive. Then I carved the second layer into the final shape I wanted.

It really does not show well in this pic. I’m digging the way it looks. Should resemble a old Bates seat when done. Learning as I go here. This one may wind up hanging on the wall. The second foam I used feels a little too soft for a seat. There’s a place in South LA I want to go check out the next time I go to buy foam. Larger selection than the little upholstery store I went to the last time. I sort of just guessed at what I was buying cuz the store clerk didn’t have answers to my questions about density or weight. If it feels a little too firm, it’s probably just right.

Tomorrow I need to try and make a tool to smooth out the cut marks in the foam so I can put the vinyl on and rivet it down. Turning out pretty good for a first attempt at upholstery work.


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