Thursday, March 1, 2012

Say Hello To My Little Friend: 9 Of The Most Fun Weapons In ...

Forget about pistols and rocket launchers, videogames have given us some of the most insane weapon designs.  From  the Rivet Gun to the Fat Man, gaming has made combat a whole lot crazier than real life.  Here are nine of the most fun weapons in gaming.  In no order:

I bought you a hat, do you want to try it on?

.   Drill Bucket – Dead Rising 2

Sure, Chuck went into the maintenance room with only one drill and a bucket but somehow came out with three drills attatched to the bucket.  I’m not going to question it though because did you read the description of that weapon?!  A helmet with drills on it! Guaranteed to turn any zombies head into a bloody pulp.  He can’t eat your brain if he has no mouth now can he?

.   Patriot – Metal Gear Solid

Infinite ammo fired at a blistering pace from a gun that sounds like an angry rattlesnake.  Need I say more?  This gun made a second playthrough of the game childs play as you blasted your enemies with an unrelenting hail of bullets.  Now if only Snake could bump into Raiden, I’m sure he would like to introduce him to his little friend….

.   The Injector – Timesplitters: Future Perfect

Wait... He was standing right there a second ago...

If there is a funnier sight on a game than firing syringes into an enemies head that cause them to explode and become little more than a bloodstain on a wall then I haven’t came across it.  The first time I saw it happen I had to pause the game because of laughter, an absolute corker to use in multiplayer.

.   Lightsaber - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Ok, so other Star Wars games had lightsabers on them first but none of them come close to giving you the feeling of power you get from being the bad guy and using your lightsaber as a tool of evil.  As you strike down wave after wave of the good guys you feel well and truly like you are Darth Vader’s apprentice.  Combine this with your force powers and you wouldn’t be too wrong in thinking you are a god.

.   Red Turtle Shell – Mario Kart 64

Few things are more satisfying than playing Mario Kart in split screen and setting one of these badboys on your mate who’s sat next to you.  As soon as you let it rip you can guarantee they will frantically wave their controller about as they try and dodge it.  Inevitably it will hit them though and the fact that your character celebrates with you is the icing on the cake.

Someone is about to become Mr.Popular

.  Gravity Gun – Half Life 2

This physics-defying weapon gives you limitless ways to kill whatever zombies/soldiers/weird testicle-like crabs the game throws at you.  From firing back their own grenades at them to using it to make a huge blade spin and cut them in half.  Firing bullets at an explosive barrel just isn’t the same as using the gravity gun to hurl it at their face.  It built on the version seen in the original Half Life and expanded on the physics puzzles in the game making it more than just a weapon.

Cut up your enemies like kebab meat!

.  Lancer Assault Rifle - Gears of War

If sheer bullets aren’t enough to satisfy your bloodlust then the Lancer Assault Rifle is the answer for you.  With a chainsaw stuck on the underneath, this weapon is as deadly as they come.   The cinematic sequence that accompanies a kill as bloody body parts fill the screen provides the ultimate satisfaction when you are killing the last enemy that killed you.

.   Old Woman - Worms Armageddon

I can almost hear the laughter now, an old woman, what can she do?!  Toddling towards you, mumbling to herself  – she looks like she has escaped from the local retirement home. Then boom.  She explodes right in front of you sending your poor worm flying into the air.  I’ve never looked at an old woman the wrong way since in case she does the same to me in real life.

Just a moment ago this was an 8 feet tall flaming lizard

.   Sheepinator - Ratchet And Clank

The big brute in front of you sure looks scary with his huge gun and massive stature until you fire and….. Suddenly he’s turned into a sheep.  Wait what? Yeah that’s right, with the sheepinator you can turn even the gnarliest monster into a little, bleating sheep.  Baaaad luck punk.

What are your favourite weapons? Leave a comment below and let us know


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